SNHU Announces Winter 2023 President's List
It is with great pleasure that Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following students on being named to the Winter 2023 President's List. The winter terms run from January to May. Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 and above for the reporting term are named to the President's List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer.

President's List -
2023 May 16
SNHU Announces Fall 2022 President's List
It is with great pleasure that Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) congratulates the following students on being named to the Fall 2022 President's List. The fall terms run from September to December. Full-time undergraduate students who have earned a minimum grade-point average of 3.700 and above for the reporting term are named to the President's List. Full-time status is achieved by earning 12 credits over each 16-week term or paired 8-week terms grouped in fall, winter/spring, and summer.

President's List -
2023 Jan 13
Students Make the President's List at Miami University
Miami University students who are ranked in the top three percent of undergraduate students within each division for second semester 2018-19 have been named to the president's list recognizing academic excellence.

President's List -
2019 Jun 28

Students Make the President's List at Miami University
Miami University students who are ranked in the top three percent of undergraduate students within each division for first semester 2018-19 have been named to the president's list recognizing academic excellence.

President's List -
2019 Feb 5

Students Make the President's List at Miami University
Miami University students who are ranked in the top three percent of undergraduate students within each division for second semester 2017-18 have been named to the president's list recognizing academic excellence.

President's List -
2018 Jun 28
Vol State Graduate
Congrats Vol State Fall 2017 Graduates!
Graduation -
2018 Mar 1
You Made the Vol State Dean's List!
Fall 2017 Dean's List at Vol State
Honors List -
2018 Feb 22
Southeast Missouri State University Announces Fall 2017 Graduates
Southeast Missouri State University has announced its fall 2017 graduates.

Graduation -
2018 Feb 6

Students Make the Dean's List at Miami University
Miami University students who are ranked in the top twenty percent of undergraduate students within each division for first semester 2017-18 have been named to the dean's list recognizing academic excellence.

Honors List -
2018 Jan 26

Students Make the President's List at Miami University
Miami University students who are ranked in the top three percent of undergraduate students within each division for fist semester 2017-18 have been named to the president's list recognizing academic excellence.

Honors List -
2018 Jan 26
Vol State President's Ambassador 2017-2018
Congratulations and thanks for representing Vol State!
Scholarship -
2017 Oct 16
Fall 2017 Enrollment
Welcome to the Fall Semester 2017. Vol State Merit Pages are a way to celebrate and share your accomplishments.
Enrollment -
2017 Sep 21
Spring 2017 Enrollment
Welcome to the Merit Pages system for Spring 2017!
Enrollment -
2017 Jan 20
Enrolled at Vol State
Welcome to Vol State Merit Pages...this badge will get you started! We will announce your college achievements here.
Enrollment -
2016 Oct 4

Students graduate from Fairleigh Dickinson University
In Commencement exercises on May 17, 2016, FDU conferred more than 3,000 degrees, ranging from associates to doctorates, on graduates, at MetLife Stadium.

Graduation -
2016 Jul 11

Local Students Named to Dean's and Honors Lists at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus
Students at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus, located in Teaneck, NJ have been named to the Dean's and Honors Lists for the Fall 2015 semester.

Honors List -
2016 Feb 18

Southeast Names Students to Summer 2015 Dean's List
The following students have been named to the summer 2015 Dean's List at Southeast Missouri State University.

Honors List -
2015 Aug 13
Local Students Named to Dean's and Honors Lists at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus
Students at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus, located in Teaneck, NJ have been named to the Dean's and Honors Lists for the Spring 2015 semester.

Honors List -
2015 Jul 14
Students inducted into Phi Zeta Kappa and Phi Omega Epsilon honor societies at FDU
Fairleigh Dickinson University students who have been inducted into FDU's Phi Zeta Kappa and Phi Omega Epsilon honor societies for the Fall 2014 semester.

Honor Society -
2015 Mar 24

Local Students Named to Dean's and Honors Lists at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus
Students at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus, located in Teaneck, NJ have been named to the Dean's and Honors Lists for the Fall 2014 semester.

Honors List -
2015 Feb 23

Local Students Named to Dean's and Honors Lists at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus
Students at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus, located in Teaneck, NJ have been named to the Dean's and Honors Lists for the Spring 2014 semester.

Honors List -
2014 Jun 30

Local Students Named to Dean's and Honors Lists at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus
Students at Fairleigh Dickinson University's Metropolitan Campus, located in Teaneck, NJ have been named to the Dean's and Honors Lists for the Fall 2013 Semester.

Academic Award -
2014 Feb 19